Star III


  • 47 文章
  • 0 解決方案
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  • 7 獲得的積分


Hey guys, I was trying to update the phone and i had to do a clean flash because it was a bit laggy so i wiped out everything including system, vendor etc except for memory card and when i run the command to reboot it got stuck at this black screen w...
Hi guys..m on latest software and the pubg games laggs so badly and stucks in between while dng anything. It freezes for a sec and i also get a msg ingame to reduce my graphics settings for lagg free experience..even after dng it it still freezes i d...
Hey asus!!Just wanted to thank you guys for regular monthly updates and i really appreciate that asus has finally listened to us and working hard for the updates.Just few questions i have regarding updates in future..!1) will there be any camera upda...
I do not have the quick data switch toggle button my notification tray and also when i tap on edit i do not see it anywhere..
Hey,Is there any way if i can put a lock on gallery? I know i can do for apps and gallery as well but i want inside folders alao to be locked specifically..is that possible? Inside this stock gallery?