Rising Star I


  • 55 文章
  • 1 解決方案
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So I got the device back after the motherboard replacement for the second time. Everything seems fine now till the next boom.I found an issue with WhatsApp that I cannot receive the messages when the phone is locked. It just shows a message like "you...
I have submitted the dead rog phone 5 to nearest service center. Today, after 2 weeks of submission, they told me that the motherboard cannot change hence the warranty got over. This is the second time I submitted the phone to service center for same...
My 1.3 year old ROG 5 died this morning due to a sudden unknown illness. After 3 months of purchase, he admitted to Asus hospital and had to undergo a major heart transplantation surgery due to WiFi and hotspot issue and it resolved by a motherboard ...
Frequently pop ups a warning like "You're offline, Please check your network connection" from morning onwards in my ROG phone 5. It shows in every 2-3 minutes while using any apps. No issues with mobile data, wifi working fine, restarted the phone, b...
Watched the launching event of Asus Rog phone 6 and just curious to ask that can we use the Asus aero active cooler 6 with the Rog phone 5? It looks more functional as well as useful when compared with the previous version of aero active cooler.