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since ‎01-03-2022

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Hi thereMy Vivobook Pro Oled X3500PH comes with some color profiles:X3500PH_8086_834C4161.icmX3500PH_8086_834C4161_CMDEF.icmX3500PH_8086_70380046.icmX3500PH_8086_AE0D15E7.icmX3500PH_8086_AE0D152D.icmBut, no explanation at all about the diferences and...
System: Windows 11Battery or AC: BothModel: K3500PH OledFrequency of occurrence: Reset OS: Screenshot or video: ========================Detailed description:HiI use an internet radio app for years which runs in background. With my new Vivobook, it st...