Star II
since ‎04-11-2022

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  • 10 Posts
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My Zenfone 8 is running Android 12 (UL-I006D-ASUS-31.1010.0410.43-1.1.25-2202-user.zip). Using ASUS Launcher, I can add a widget - like Chronus.That widget cannot access my calendar, it just says there aren't any.I also installed Niagara Launcher an...
I just got a Zenfone 8, and I updated it to Android 12 (UL-I006D-ASUS-31.1010.0410.43-1.1.25-2202-user.zip). I installed Nova Launcher, and I cannot widgets.Video: drive.google.com/file/d/10N5oYJ3oG_wWFjtLtrKT5C0awkV49P75/view?usp=sharingLooking at N...
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