Zen Master I
since ‎07-25-2019

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  • 384 Posts
  • 3 Solutions
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Hello everyone I have installed this update and while the build seems solid, there are some minor issues:1. Clicking/swiping down to show the notification tray from top left side of the screen enters manage notifications manu instead of showing them....
Hi,pure Android 11 is going to natively support DSU via developer settings, that feature allows devs to temporarily flash GSI onto phone and use future stock Android builds for app development testing. Will it be enabled on stock ZenUI builds?
Hi,I found a bug introduced in 133 FW causing the camera to initialize rotation regardless of phone's position. Intended behaviour was to block camera when the phone lies on the flat surface or proximity sensor is triggered. While the latter's workin...
Hi, well, again, this time with another problem. I've unlocked my bootloader using official ASUS tool and since then anything that uses fingerprint crashes (Settings, OneTimeInit). Does anybody know how to restore it's functionality while maintaining...
Recently I started to move a bit of work from computers to my phone and I wanted to get some data from an HDD via SATA to USB3 adapter. The problem is one drive starts clicking and it's not even recognized. The other spins up and after a second stops...
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