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Star III
since ‎01-19-2020
4 weeks ago

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After the last update (326) on my zenfone 8 the battery status is completely incorrect.  The display usage does not appear and the graph has strange peaks.
Please restore file naming as it was in Android 12, with timestamp and contact name. Thank you.
zenfone 8firmware version 210no rootAll timeCall recorderWith the transition to A13, the app that records calls no longer renames the files with the date, time and name of the contract, but they are all with a generic Call recording followed by a seq...
Zenfone 8versione fw 210no root SempreRegistratore chiamateCon il passaggio ad A13 l'app che registra le chiamate non rinomina più i file con data, ora e nome del contratto, ma sono tutte con un generico Registrazione chianata seguito da un numero se...
It's feels very bad with strange effects, does the same thing happen to you?