Rising Star II


  • 80 文章
  • 0 解決方案
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  • 32 獲得的積分


Hi I have a Rog 3 12/512gb and I just noticed I have one pixel in the middle of the screen that is always brighter than the others, I have done some tests and it changes colors, but when I use more than 30% of brightness it becomes brighter than the ...
Hi, I have a Rog 3 12gb/512gb 6A020EU, and I found that when I disconnect the charging cable the refresh rate is stuck at 120hz and the only way to fix this is a reboot, this happens every time I charge the phone.
Hi, I live in Europe and received from Asus Eshop a 12gb/512gb Rog 3 and I noticed that with WiFi and bluetooth on the phone has some ugly red bars, is this normal or some kind of bug?