Star III


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Hello I have Rog phone 3 EU latest version. When I open hot spot and have mobile data on then the other device connects to my Rog phone 3 hot spot but it says "no internet connection". Any suggestions?
Hello Republic of Games! Can anyone tell me a good router or modem/router for best connection and no lag from WiFi? Need to buy RoG series router? Any Asus product suggestions as i can see on official rog phone 3 site it is better to have asus router...
Hi The security update has red icon with " ! " inside even though it is updated! I restarted the phone but it is not changing to green icon. Can someone help why it is showing that?
Hi Can i use Netflix with bypass charging??Via armoury create the app is not shown i think because of copyright protection ( video recording ). Can the devs in the next FOTA include netflix in Armoury crate (without recording permission of course)so ...
Please tell us some basic information before asking for help:Model Name: ROG 3Firmware Version:.78Rooted or not: NOFrequency of Occurrence: ALWAYS FROM NOW ONAPP Name & APP Version (If your issue relates to the app):In addition to information above, ...