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Model: ZE620KLRAM: 4GFirmware/APP Version: 16.0610.1901.74Frequency of Occurrence: DualRooted: NoAPP Name: With the new update i still notice a few bugs with the zenfone 5. 1. Animation scale: the transition and animator can be changed to .5x but the...
Model: ZE620KLRAM: 4GFirmware/APP Version: PieFrequency of Occurrence: DualRooted: NoAPP Name: NotificationOne bug i noticed in the pie update is that i couldn't see my donload notifications from the Google Playstore on the notification bar. Other do...
Model: ZE620KLRAM: 4GFirmware/APP Version: WW_16_0610_1812_58Frequency of Occurrence: DualRooted: NoAPP Name: PieI just received the OTA Pie update for the Zenfone 5 ZE620kl. However, when i try to change the animation scale in the developer options ...