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Star I
since ‎09-30-2016
3 weeks ago

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I can definetly relate to all the posts here who were disappointed by 8 series.I jumped from 5s to 8 just a month ago. That was a huge moment for me. As soon as I'm using Asus phones for many years. I had Zenfone 2, Zenfone 3, Zenfone 4, Zenfone 5z, ...
Model: ZE620KLRAM: 6GFirmware/APP Version: Android PieFrequency of Occurrence: AlwaysRooted: NoAPP Name: Last edited by a.usenko.09fk on 2019/2/28 16:33 I bought this phone 2 months ago. Since that time there were 3 updates. And still... I have sa...
Model: ZE620KLRAM: 6GFirmware/APP Version: Android pieFrequency of Occurrence: AlwaysRooted: NoAPP Name: Fingerprint doesnt work outdoors. Idk, probably it's just bcs it's cold here, but anyways. -3 or -5 isn't too cold. I had no problems with zenfon...