Rising Star I


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Before Buying ROG series, make sure that u won't get ViLTE feature. U hav to b dependent on third party app. .And u will get regular Android updates, on irregular basis. Like Android 11, normal user are still waiting.
M still confused, if 8k oppo, Vivo n other handset provide Videos calling on 4g without relying on secondary app. Then why not ASUS ROG3....???? One end ROG provide top-notch specs and another end ROG not able to provide basic feature of Video call (...
I am unable to open my asus app on ROG3. Wen i open on playstore, only uninstall option available. No open or update option. Iam facing this issue since month..Can anybody help....???
Hey, Shameful act by Asus. Wen m trying to search topic about Android 11 or Update in discussions seach box. Such keys words are not working. Interface doesnt show any result. Wen u try to search about camera display or something else u get discuss...
What's the meaning that ROG 3 will get Android update after ROG5. If u can update regularly then why do you release next version...??? I bought flagship ROG3 n still no update. There is no mean providing top notch hardware with pathetic update servic...