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Rising Star II
desde ‎03-07-2020

Estatísticas de utilizador

  • 84 Envios
  • 1 Soluções
  • 0 Kudos Fornecidos
  • 39 Kudos Recebidos

Atividade de usuário

There's no call disconnect tone upon disconnecting the call while in vibration or silent mode, but there's a disconnect tone in general mode i.e, while not in silent or vibration!! @Christine_ASUS
Fota Update from 082 to 084http://fota.asus.com/delta_package/phone/WW_Phone/formal/16.2017.2005.082-user-WW_Phone-16.2017.2007.084-user-WW_Phone-2/WW_Phone-16.2017.2005.082-20200506-WW_Phone-16.2017.2007.084-20200706_fota.zip (NOTE: Rest assured,th...
MAX PRO M1 DELTA PACKAGE FROM 082 TO 084It seems they have pulled back the update as the link wasn't working After downloading edit file name as UL-ASUS_X00T-WW-16.2017.2007.084-user.zipDO NOTE IT'S FOTA FROM 082 TO 084
Please tell us some basic information before asking for help:Model Name: Zenfone Max Pro M1Firmware Version: .082Rooted or not: Not RootedFrequency of Occurrence: Every timeAPP Name & APP Version (If your issue relates to the app): PUBG MobileIn addi...
After 429 update of Android 10 developer version, every incoming calls rings after a duration of 4 to 5 seconds of the actual call placed by the other side!!