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Can we please get VoLTE support on Vi India atleast on the A11 update?It used to work flawlessly on my old Vodafone number but doesn't work with Vi (VodafoneIdea).
theRajeshVI really wanted to discuss this in a private message but nobody is bothering to respond to my requests for a PM, so here goes... (skip to last if you don't want to read my ranty story)I bought my ROG Phone II (I00D1DE) back in January and i...
I really wanted to discuss this in a private message but nobody is bothering to respond to my requests for a PM, so here goes... (skip to last if you don't want to read my ranty story)I bought my ROG Phone II (I00D1DE) back in January and immediately...
I've gotten a new connection with Vi (an Indian telecom operator resulting from a merger of Vodafone India and Idea Cellular) and found that VoLTE wasn't working on my ROG Phone II (I001DE). I called them up and they said it isn't supported. -_-But t...
I have a few tiny features, or rather customization options, I'd like to request:-Ability to disable 'Noisy Notifications' (ie. don't play notification sounds when screen is on)Lockscreen clock position adjustment.Customization of network name.Custo...