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Star II
since ‎03-09-2024

User Statistics

  • 10 Posts
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  • 2 Kudos given
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User Activity

Hello gamers, what is going on with the general downgrade on triggers on new model, i need ultrasonic triggers with triple function, and on the cooler i need video out and charging with cooler mounted, and back to 4 triggers on cooler, i really use t...
Aptx lossless works only from time to time, i am using a portable headphones amplifier with aptx lossless, ifi idsd diablo 2, i am using tidal and Spotify as player, i have switched on and off every setting available from Bluetooth to sound settings ...
Crackling sound while listening using Bluetooth, from asus ROG phone 7 ultimate 
Does anyone knows how to use (activate) aptx lossless bluetooth codec on rog phone 7 ultimate? I have a portable headphones amplifier with aptx lossless bluetooth codec, when connecting to phone it says aptx adaptive, is that the same as lossless? 
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