Star III
since ‎03-06-2024

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你們身為國際知名手機品牌居然連 誠信二字都有疑慮   
Rog 系列從8開始就無法解鎖bootloader 所以想買來刷 版本的替換的  或是root的 請別花冤枉錢!
  看了一下維基公布各廠牌的解鎖難度  困難的幾乎全是中國廠牌,在沒人權的統治國家這不意外!難道華碩已經走上跟中共一體了?
Is it possible to connect the rog 8 to the computer using a Qualcomm engineering cable, then bypass the bootloader in EDL mode and directly flash the machine, thereby unlocking the bootloader lock and completing root?
https://www.getdroidtips.com/asus-bootloader-unlock-tool/#Gaming-Phones所有設備都有  可問題是誰會解?教一下