Star II
since ‎07-30-2020

User Statistics

  • 6 Posts
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  • 3 Kudos received

User Activity

Tive um problema com meu Rog 2 ano passado, tela quebrou. Em contato com as assistências eles não me informavam sequer o preço de uma tela, nem aproximado. tive que enviar meu celular pra São Paulo pra lá saber da facada que seria o valor da troca. O...
I don't know where else I can ask Asus to see this, if I'm wrong I apologize and ask them to redirect me to the right place.One thing I really miss about the Rog phone is the infrared sensor, an extremely simple and inexpensive thing to put on (even ...
I broke my 30w charger and i cant find only the cable to buy. I will not buy another wall charger, i have one, and the charger is overpriced.So anyone knows if exist some alternative that can charge the rog 2 with 30w power and hypercharge? Or only o...
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