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Hello, even if the phone is locked, you can access the quick access menu. Serious security error. Only the mobile data you need to unlock, but the rest is not required to unlock to enable / disable. Please pay attention to that. I already read some responses from some moderators in previous versions "which is a peculiarity of Android 10", why doesn't Asus fix it to protect its users? In android 8 and 9, it is required to unlock to use the shortcuts. The system needs to evolve and increase security and efficiency, never lose an already acquired functionality, it is more focused on security. Some manufacturers require unlocking even to turn off / restart the device,the team understands that adding only to the data was a waste of time? Because the others do not need to unlock to access. What is the use of asking for a password to turn off the data if you can put it in airplane mode? I would like asus to rethink in this regard because it leaves its users unprotected. Thanks