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Star II
since ‎12-30-2020

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有人的照片, 皮膚都有夠奇怪! 我用我之前U11的照片比較, 一比之下氣到吐血, U11人面是清晰的, z7pro是糊的, 而且有些皮膚出現油畫掉了一般, 像是硬用AI偵測皮膚然後強力改圖一樣(沒開柔膚, 開了更假). 另外買機之前聽太多自拍照硬推sharpness, 以為前幾天更新了會變正常. 但可是拍出來是清晰但是硬推線條, 比真實的皮膚差上十倍!!!! 買這手機以前會有好一點的自拍, 但比我U11的自拍更差!!!!!!!!!!請問還會有更新嗎? 不然我寧願賠錢也要賣掉了另外3倍鏡可有可無,...
I just bought zenfone 7 pro, wish to have a better selfie photo,but I found that the photos are over sharpened a lot by default. I try to take another selfie from the raw+jpg way, those photos are very goood, not over sharpened, so I think that the d...
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