Rising Star II
since ‎08-08-2019

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I can certainly feel that soeaker volume is decreased after i update to .153...Earlier it was much louder.Anybody else felt the same??
Hi, I lost my original asus 6z hi res earphones.Can anyone tell me where to buy it and the exact model name or number. I am from India.
@Anders_ASUS @CH_ASUS Native video calling is not working on Asus 6z.. It's working on cheaper phones like Vivo V9....Why is it disabled on 6z??? On vivo v9, it works on jio but not on my handset...I am also using jio..Anyone got any idea??
Is there any way to change accent colors??? I saw some options under developer settings but changing them does nothing.
What are your thoughts on the changes?? It says speaker quality improved. Has your speaker quality improved? Please provide feedback here.
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