I think that physical damage generally is not covered by warranty. They could very well invoke "user fault" or "usage wear and tear" and deny your claim... But that's just my opinion, you should check what's covered or not.
Any news on this? I'm in the same boat as you, no VoLTE on Digi.Mobil România. Even though the service is enabled on the operator side and the SIM is provisioned with VoLTE, the IMS status is "not registered" and the latest July security update doesn...
You are right and I already have done that, thank you, all supported services are active on the operator side and SIM is already provisioned; now Asus has to certify that their device can make emergency calls over VoLTE and send the modem binary conf...
Still no VoLTE and no WiFiCall for romanian operator Digi.Mobil which has shut down the 3G network and now the voice calls fall back to 2G because of no VoLTE; rather disappointing for a 700€ phone, 130€ entry level Motorolas support these basic feat...