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Star III
dal ‎10-15-2022

Statistiche utente

  • 16 Messaggi
  • 0 Soluzioni
  • 9 Kudos assegnati
  • 6 Kudos ricevuti

Attività utente

After upgrading from  V33.0804.2060.88 to ZenFone9 (AI2202) Kernel Source Code V33.0804.2060.100, AGAIN trouble with the hands-free speaker trouble. I asked support here in Norway;I needed to install Android 12 with this file "UL-ASUS_AI2202-ASUS-99....
Please tell us some basic information before asking for help:Model Name: Zenfone 9Firmware Version: 32.2050.2050.34Rooted or not: NOFrequency of Occurrence: All the timeAPP Name & APP Version (If your issue relates to the app):In addition to informat...