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Hi All, we all know this year 16th May is the day for ASUS to deliver what the company has in bag as the next iteration of Flagship Zenfone, Zenfone 6. Recently a video has surfaced on Web which is in spanish, claiming the device to be Zenfone 6/6Z, ...
Hi there, We've seen the Zenfone 6 teasers and it's pretty clear that this time its just the screen with no notch, no bezels, thus very exciting. But will it be enough to stand out as a whole,  I mean other manufacturers are pushing more onto the inn...
It's good to see Zentalk in a whole new avatar, everything is nicer, neat, and clean. Waiting for all the functions here to go live. And couldn't resist mentioning this, waiting for Zenfone 6 - 2019, hope to see something really new and amazing. BTW,...