Star I
since ‎07-11-2021

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System: Windows 11 22000.778Battery or AC: ACModel: Asus TUF FX505dtFrequency of occurrence: AlwaysReset OS: YesScreenshot or video: ========================Detailed description:My laptop used to give me excellent performance during gaming but now it...
System: Windows 10Battery or AC: ACModel: Fx505dtFrequency of occurrence: AlwaysReset OS: YesScreenshot or video: ========================Detailed description:HelloMy Asus tuf fx505dt is not charging. It is showing the orange led light of charging an...
System: Windows 10Battery or AC: ACModel: Asus Tuf FX505DTFrequency of Occurrence: AlwaysReset OS: YesDetailed description:My RGB keyboard used to show purple color but after some updates (I guess) its stop showing purple color (now it show pink colo...