marinosergio posted on 2020/2/2 11:28
please, how to remove search bar from homescreen? thanks
I too think how we can remove It. Maybe this widget is unremovablee in new Android. So we wait, maybe someone people will come up with some idea.
abangtinju12 posted on 2020/2/1 11:13
1 ..rapid charging issue when u plug in charging cable switch on phone start rapid charging and t ...
On my phone charging is correct...~2,5h (25-100%)
1) I check this when charging phone...
2) On android 9 I have the same...after reboot must pin keypin... so it's no bug???
3) confirm
4) it's probably not a bug
I update system to version .409 android 10. Personal Data is OK. All settings are OK. System works great. Some menu doesn't translation. I observe battery utylization...
Next update go FOTA or I must update manually???