Star II
since ‎12-24-2019

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In the olders versions of zenui, the music player was in the first notification bar, now we have to double swipe for access the music players (in my case, spotify)This is how must be or can it be changed?
Ok, o Android 11 chegou, to feliz em poder testar, mas te falar, uma parada que tem me irritado na Asus, são esses micro ícones e toda essa UI minúscula.Eles parecem gostar dessas coisas pequenininhas e não querem que você mude.As outras UIs, já tinh...
So i have this huge screen and so tiny small icons.The google search widget is so slim...Even when i got the 4x4 screen, they just give more space betwen the icons and keep the icons the same size.And for what i see in Android 11, the customization d...
Desde que meu ZenFone 6 chegou, eu reparei que a camera estava meio solta, por exemplo. Eu uso o app da câmera, fecho ele, a camera retrai, mas ela nunca fecha 100% sempre fica um tequinho pra fora e se eu mexo o celular, ela balanga e fica fazendo a...
Please tell us some basic information before asking for help:Model Name: ZenFone 6Firmware Version: 17.1810.2008.171Rooted or not: noFrequency of Occurrence:APP Name & APP Version (If your issue relates to the app):In addition to information above, p...
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