I was happy to see in the change log that the annoying Gboard setting reset issue has been recognized, but sadly even after the update it still happens in the same way and regularity. Tried restarting many times also.
I wish you all to have a quick motherboard replacement as a fix. I used to have the Zenfone 8, which I loved, even though the Ramdump error hit me as well (kudos for Asus service, they switched the motherboard with delivery in 3 days!), the only thin...
MrAvengerOK so as someone had posted in another post I started that I might have this issue too. Bought this phone only 5 days ago. In Australia and each morning I'm forced to use a swipe pattern to unlock instead of my usual FingerprintAsus if this ...
JurigagHonestly this really sucks, i don't have this issue yet, but this simply means that i need to always have a emergency phone when going on some travel, because you can never know when this will happen.My phone is 2021.04, it seems that newer mo...
atoia68I would like to know if any repaired zenfone 8 has shut down again View postNot so far. Mine was serviced in 2 days, since returned two weeks ago no problem once again. Also the whole motherboard wasn't changed only some small spare part.
ZT-0250335eI just got the message from service that they finished the fix in 3 days and they will send my phone back. I am curious, and according to helpdesk the motherboard was not replaced but some other part(s). I hope everything will be fine. I'l...