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since ‎01-11-2021

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機型 zenfone 7pro韌體版本 31.0210.0210.358不能再oem解鎖了嗎? 
發問前請先協助提供基本資訊,例如:手機型號、軟體版本、問題現象、問題出現頻率、APP 名稱、已做過哪些疑難排解,以及錯誤截圖等等;敘述地愈詳細,其他人較能愈快提出建議和解答唷!========================================手機型號: zenfone 7pro軟體版本:31.0210.0210.292問題現象:學校wifi突然連不上,平時是自動login的。身邊還有兩台android設備跟windows電腦,均無問題,已排除wifi本身問題。發現wifi連接選項裏...
手機型號:zenfone 7 pro軟體版本 152問題現象: 返回主螢幕時突然卡頓, 尤其使用 chrome, telegram, signal後問題出現頻率:每天APP 名稱:chrome, telegram, signal
Please tell us some basic information before asking for help:Model Name: zenfone 7 proFirmware Version: WW_30.41.69.152Rooted or not: notFrequency of Occurrence: everytimeAPP Name & APP Version (If your issue relates to the app): chrome search widget...
Hi guys! I bought my zenfone 7 pro last month and it is really great. However, the "What's on my screen" function in Google assistant is not working. It keeps asking for permission to access my screen. Well, I did everything I can do. I even tried to...
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