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Star III
since ‎11-14-2022

User Statistics

  • 21 Posts
  • 1 Solutions
  • 5 Kudos given
  • 2 Kudos received

User Activity

Something went wrong with game genie APK download for Android 14 on ROG Phone 6.. link for Android 13 is fine but mine is android 14.. 
Game genie bar inside games works after deleting its data multiple times but not like before like the game genie animation when opening a game did not complete its animation then disappear half animation and in armoury crate I can't add or remove gam...
1. Model Name: ROG Phone 6 2. Firmware Version: 33.0610.2810.159 3. Rooted or not: not 4. Frequency of Occurrence: always  5. APP Name & APP Version (If your issue relates to the app): Discord version 191.16 Everytime I join voice call in discord whe...
1. Model Name: ROG Phone 6 2. Firmware Version: 33.0610.2810.104 3. Rooted or not: not 4. Frequency of Occurrence: always when I'm outside  5. APP Name & APP Version (If your issue relates to the app): First of all, i didn't on adaptive brightness bu...
 1. Model Name: ROG Phone 62. Firmware Version: 33.0610.2810.813. Rooted or not: not4. Frequency of Occurrence: always5. APP Name & APP Version (If your issue relates to the app): discord When I playing game with my friends using discord voice call w...
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