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Star II
since ‎12-12-2019

User Statistics

  • 11 Posts
  • 0 Solutions
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  • 1 Kudos received

User Activity

Hallo , i want to knows , is it was needed to downgrade the Android 10 to android Q ? and why ? did android 10 is the latest android ? do i am need to downgrade it ?
what is spec original asus cable type -C ? i'm charge it with asus original adapter ,but another cable type-C also , but it noticed to pull out the charger and it to hot.. why ? did rog phone does not support other type-C cable than the original ? he...
my version now is ww. 1908.12.. i want to update it to latest version (ww.44) and it failed..why ? anyone help me ? i am also dowlod update version after 1908.12 ..all of it was failed..
Did Asus Rog Phone 2 need to update manually ? can it auto update itself system just like another phone ? i ask for this because i am really2 do not know to updte it manually ..many youtube video tht i have seen, it all was update manually.. help...
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