How I can get the new one ZenFone 6
No money,no job all spended for new device and all broken,any idea for quick income?
No money,no job all spended for new device and all broken,any idea for quick income?
my zenfone is working perfectly fine once my phone had motherboard issue(reboot-dead) this fixed happened long ago after lot of effort ^_^.i am just thinking to reset my phone and dont have any particular reasonshould i do it?????any opinion? kindly ...
Hello sir I have a youtube channel named technical pu - and I love your company and I want your asus 6z as a review unit and my subscribers is 107 and views is 100 views per video or above . Above because there is one video this video has 700 view a...
The headphone jack of my zenFone 6 /6z stopped working Today. No audio is coming from the earphones when something is played. The one click pause function(of the earphone) is still working but there is no audio. The earphones are fine, I checked them...
Did anyone try below. This is from Nokia forum.
I'm not a frequent camera user,After long time I used me camera, but results are hopeless.Last time I used it was perfect but not it completely changes colours of imagesMakes face alot more pale then usual and more white.I hope this will get fixed so...
Hello,Accent color doesn't change using developer options. Thanks though for the update.
I want detailed technical specifications of NFC Chip of Asus 6Z and what types of NFC/RFID tags it supports. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
Hi, from the first day with this phone i dedicated the single click of the smart key to turn on-off the screen rotation. Lately, probably after the latest update, i noticed a delay of the bottom banner that shows the auto rotate on - off function whe...
Hi guys I'm facing too many issues with latest update can anyone know how to roal back previous version or uninstall latest update.Please guide me.