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ZenFone 5 Series
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Forum Posts


Model: ZE620KLRAM: 4GFirmware/APP Version: 16.0615.1907.105Frequency of Occurrence: AlwaysRooted: NoAPP Name: 應用程式鎖我有在用應用程式鎖,解鎖方式是指紋或密碼,更新完105後,我發現由休眠啟動後,第一次進去有用程式鎖上鎖的程式,狀況會變成沒有鍵盤跑出來(輸入密碼用,google輸入法),同時指紋解鎖也無法使用,我的解決方式是把上方通知列往下拉,鍵盤才會跑出來,同時也可以指紋辨識了,以前...

Sistem donuyor.

Model: ZE620KLRAM: 4GFirmware/APP Version: Son versiyonFrequency of Occurrence: SıklıklaRooted: NoAPP Name: Uygulanalat açılırken donuyor. Parmak izi geç okuyor. Spn güncellemeden sonra böyle oldu.

Sons mídia

Simplesmente o som de vídeos e músicas não pega mais, como faz para resolver ?

Menu screen touch

Model: RAM: Firmware/APP Version: Frequency of Occurrence: Rooted: APP Name: Screenshot: Menu application not opening some time.

Headphone com som quebrado

Model: ZE620KLRAM: 6GFirmware/APP Version: Versão 3.1.2Frequency of Occurrence: SempreRooted: YesAPP Name: EnglishLiveScreenshot: utilizo o aplicativo, o s...

no radio

Model: RAM: Firmware/APP Version: Frequency of Occurrence: Rooted: APP Name: Screenshot: I have a zendone 5 lite, with the last update od the sofware my radio doesn't work and so the Bluetooth when I want to hear music on the speaker can you help pl...

tborbon by Star I
  • 8 replies
  • 0 kudos

Slow chargeing

When I plug in charge and play tha game charging fast drop and mobile also hiting After 10 month problem come please help

Stuck notification

Model: ZE620KLRAM: 6GFirmware/APP Version: Android 9Frequency of Occurrence: ConstantRooted: NoAPP Name: FOTA Service Last edited by divyark222 on 2019/8/4 17:57 I received an update for my 5Z today and I downloaded it, after that this notification...