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ROG Phone 6D / 6D Ultimate
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Forum Posts

[Game Genie] APK new version for ROG Phone 6/6D only

If you have issue of Game Genie inactivity and crash, please download and install the new version of Game Genie from link below to fix this issue. Please note the apk is for Android 13 & 14 on ROG Phone 6/6D only, and please check the Android version...

Titan_ASUS by Community Manager
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Active Cooling

Do you know if the new Rog Phone 6 has an active cooler system built into the phone? It does have a cooler sold separate, I'm trying to see if it has an internal one as well. Any idea if something like that works with none gaming? I live in a hot are...

Problems with auto refresh rate with capture card

Hello, I have a Rog Phone 6D, I play Codm. I am trying to play at 120 HZ but when connected to elgato HD60+ with a cable HDMI 4k60 my phone locks it self at auto refresh rate. Is there a way to play at the refresh rate i like but the capture card dis...

Qinie by Star I
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ROG 6D phone screen freeze while trying to play video

My ROG 6D experiencing bugs while I try to watch/load a video, no matter on social media (WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook) or on video taken on the camera of ROG 6D in the gallery. I can still hear the audio playing but the screen are bugging/lagging o...

Raymok by Star I
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Pantalla tracera rog phone 6d ultimate

Me gustaria saber si alguien sabe o si es posible que me den una actualización para la pantalla tracera por ejemplo que se apague cuando estoy con una llamada normal no me gusta ya que lo que mas identifica al teléfono es su pantalla tracera y que es...

ROG 6D problem with O2 Slovakia

I have a problem with the network, I have two O2 and Telecom cards in my phone. On my o2 card, it connects to HSPD and switches to 5G only after a restart. If I lose the 5G signal, the phone will not switch to 4G but to HSPD and will not switch back ...

Phone call microphone/loudspeaker issue

Model Name: Rog Phone 6DFirmware Version: WW.31.0840.0840.67Rooted or not: YesFrequency of Occurrence: AlwaysAPP Name & APP Version (If your issue relates to the app): phone callsMy sound cuts out/fluctuates, when I talk on the phone, I can't hear th...

Jokero by Star I
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ROG 6D Ultimate Games Crash

Hi everybody,i have a new Problem. Since the Last Update my Games Crash in middle of gaming (Auto closed) and i have ti restart them. This IS very annoying.For example Diablo Immortal.Battery Options Set to ni Auto close apps...My 500€ Xiaomi was ni ...