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Wifi didn't connect automatically

Star I

Model Name:ROG_Phone3
Firmware Version:17.0823.2007.58
Rooted or not: not rooted
Frequency of Occurrence: occurred around 1 week after reset
APP Name & APP Version (If your issue relates to the app):
Hi guys,
Not sure if it is only happening to my phone. Wifi won't connect automatically after drop off. E.g. the screenshot show wifi-first is saved and in range but the phone just doesn't connect automatically. It happened to all my wifi spot. Resetting all network could fix the issue. But it seems to come back after a week time.



Hall of Fame III
  1. Model Name:ROG_Phone3
  2. Firmware Version:17.0823.2007.58
  3. Rooted or not: not rooted
  4. Frequency of Occurrence: occurred around 1 week after reset
  5. APP Name & APP Version (If your issue relates to the app):

Hi guys,

Not sure if it is only happening to my phone. Wifi won't connect automatically after drop off. E.g. the screenshot show wifi-first is saved and in range but the phone just doesn't connect automatically. It happened to all my wifi spot. Resetting all network could fix the issue. But it seems to come back after a week time.


Wifi didn't connect automatically
If it took 1 week for this to happen again, then it must have been something you installed, something that updated or something you did.
Have you tried a simple restart of your phone?
Do you have Wi-Fi and Bluetooth scanning active? If not, please enable it
Check that all your saved wifi's are set to Detect automatically. This can be changed in the advanced options of every wifi