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Notification LED stopped working

Rising Star II
Please tell us some basic information before asking for help:
Model Name: ROG Phone 3 ASUS_I003D
Firmware Version: 18.0410.2106.138
Rooted or not: no
Frequency of Occurrence: constant
APP Name & APP Version: any/all
Alright, so the notification LED seems to have stopped working today for ALL incoming notifications. The LED still works when recharging the phone, but not for notifications. It's not blinking for Gmail, Google Messages, games, smart home apps, etc.
I'm fairly certain it was working just fine yesterday, too. Just started having issues today. There doesn't appear to be an SMMI test for the notification LED so I can't test to see if it's a hardware issue.
I've gone into the settings (Display :right_arrow: Light management :right_arrow: LED indicator), made sure the option was enabled. Disabled it, enabled it, no change. Rebooted the device a couple of times, no change.
Tried checking previous threads about this, seems this has been a common issue across multiple ASUS phones (both ROG and Zen), with no clear solution.
It's not a major issue to me. I've had several phones that did away with the notification LED completely, but it is a nice feature to have... And if you have it, it would be great for it to be working, ya know?

Rising Star II
Update: since posting this, the notification LED has worked... sometimes... but not always.
Now, another issue I'm running into is with some notifications not popping up until after I've opened the app. A couple of examples:
1) I play Pokémon Masters EX, and it'll give a notification when Pokémon eggs are about to hatch... except I'm not always getting those notifications until after I've already opened the game. Not a huge deal, but annoying.
2) I use the Google clock app instead of the ASUS clock app. I use the timer to time my breaks during work. Since last week, I've been having an issue with getting those notifications. The timer alarm doesn't go off until after I bring up the clock app. This is a big issue for me.
So yeah, some help with these notification issues would be great.

Hall of Fame I
i did notice this as well a couple of months back, it doesnt bother me so I didnt report it but the LED inconsistency has been a thing since a very very very long time.

Rising Star II
Oh? Weird. I never noticed any issues until now. Guess I was just lucky.

Hall of Fame I

Oh? Weird. I never noticed any issues until now. Guess I was just lucky.

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Pretty sure its due to android being android. I don't think it's a bug from ASUS's LED system but android's battery optimization system. Go into settings -> apps -> special priviledges-> battery optimizations (not sure if it says that I'm translating from danish here) find the app you want to display notifications at all times and set it to "not optmized" I believe that will fix your LED problem.