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System navigation

Rising Star I
In zenfone 5z I'm using the new android 10 system navigation gestures and I'm noticing it from couple of days that it covers the little bit screen from bottom which kills the full screen view and it doesn't seems good as in max pro m1 android 10 beta it is not there it gives full screen experience. I'm attaching the screenshot for my 5z phone navigation gestures. You can see grey line in setting and black in chrome and same in other apps. Please fix this. Hating that grey and black lines.
@Kris_ASUS @CH_ASUS @aamod.v8 @Laura_ASUS @and06tw @Titan_ASUS @kikoly


Community Legend II
This is how the android 10 gesture navigation works from Google/Android side. That bar is part of it.

Rising Star I

This is how the android 10 gesture navigation works from Google/Android side. That bar is part of it.

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But that bar is not present in max pro m1 as i already mentioned. Do check it once

Rising Star I

But that bar is not present in max pro m1 as i already mentioned. Do check it once

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even the oneplus has that line

Rising Star I
@CH_ASUS @kowshik diamond
But asus max pro 1 don't have, that's what I'm saying. If that mid range phone don't have that bar line then flagship phone can also lead to that. This bar line looks awful, really. Request to asus dev team, please give us a pure experience before any update or support is closed for zenfone 5z.
Some bugs and functions still not working below
1st is that bar line please do something to that. Make that transparent if any other option not available.
2. max pro m1 also support accent colour which this flagship Phone doesn't. If mid range phone can then flagship phone can also support
3. Call delay is one of the main thing which is still there.
4. Keyboard sometimes don't open due to that bar line present, so we have to press on the coloumn in the apps (which have option at the bottom to type like whatsapp, telegram, hike) two or three times to open keyboard, again if that bar line is removed the problem can be solved.
5. And sometimes there are vertical lines in the camera both front and rear. Please improve camera also. I remember this phone is featured mainly for it's camera, called flagship camera experience.

Request to Mods please tell these things to Asus Developer Team, before support and updates end for this flagship phone we have a pure flagship experience at the end. Many expectations from Asus like always. And hope to get all problems resolved. Only then we can think of buying asus again and again.