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Star I
since ‎04-07-2020

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因為現在想換zenfone6,但怕買了也有這個亮邊出現。所以上來問問看這是什麼問題?這是zenfone2,周圍一圈很工整的螢幕亮邊,不知道哪天突然出現的,還原原廠設定工程模式雙清都試過,還是會有這現象 這是zenfone3,也是有這亮邊,但沒zenfone2那麼明顯,也是不知道哪天突然出現的
Does anyone know how this happened?Because now I want to change zenfone6, but I am afraid that I will also have this bright edge.This is zenfone2, the screen around a very neat screen has bright edges. I do n’t know what day it suddenly appeared.  Th...