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Zenfone 9 issues - consolidated list of all issues

Rising Star II

Hi Everyone, I have been using Zenfone 9 for quite a while. These issues are listed after using software version WW/EU_33.0804.2060.189. I request all of Zenfone 9 fans and users to keep putting your valid issues here so that Asus will take a note of it. As zenfone 9 is a niche phone, if we won't raise a voice here, then Asus might not pay attention to it.

1. GPS: GPS taken 5-6 seconds every time to fetch my location and this is across all the apps. On google maps too, it takes time to detect location after I turn on GPS. Also, during using navigation when I am walking on foot, the direction of the arrow is incorrect. It is incorrect by 30 degrees or so. I hope Asus fixes this perfectly with a software update. 

2. Voice after making a call: On incoming or outgoing normal call, for the 1st 2-3 seconds, the other person can't hear our voice at all. We have to wait 2-3 seconds and then speak 90-95% of times. This is the most annoying and critical bug.

3. Wi-Fi icon on status bar: When Wi-Fi is already on and you swipe down notification panel only once, the Wi-Fi icon is not filled with the color of the notification menu. If my notification color is blue then the icon should be in white with the circle colored in blue.

4. Notifications delay: How can a phone with snapdragon 8+ gen 1 and 8 gb of RAM cannot send notifications as soon as they come? For many apps, the notifications are delayed, viz WhatsApp, Instagram, SMSes and so more. Asus, please fix this or just remove notification option completely because what's the use of delayed notifications?

5. Camera: Turn on HDR and you are a tomato coloured different person altogether. Overprocessing in zenfone 9 camera is so aggressive and inconsistent that the app feels useless sometimes. Selfie camera is good though. @asus, you sell this phone with gimbal as the main feature and can't even make sure Camera is the best thing that this phone must have? Please fix it.

I request moderators and Asus developers, if any, on this website to take a note of these and fix those on priority before software support for this phone expires.

@all Zenfone 9ers: Please copy and paste your issues here even if you have posted them before or mention the new ones here. So that all these issues get highlighted at one single place.

#Zenfone9 #Asus #Android


@SVB unfortunately that's exactly the issue. The container that gets highlighted when the button is activated shows a large 'pill' shape. However that does NOT reflect the actual touch area. The touch area only covers the icon itself and not the whole 'pill'.

Try using your little finger to press slightly to the side of the navigation icons. In an area that is still within the 'pill'. You will see it does not activate the touch action.

I really appreciate you not giving up on trying to get a response but my guess is the ZF9 has been pushed so far back in priorities, it won't happen for a while.   Maybe after the A14 beta is done for ZF10 we can get some attention again.   I've personally pulled the sim from my ZF9 for the time being until the issues are fixed and if they aren't, well that's a wrap as they say.  I figured I had a good 12-18 months when I bought it given the research completed.   The only alternative thing I wished they would do now is bring back the bootloader unlock so I can find someone who will update on a regular basis, especially after the 2 years is up.

Not applicable

I have still energy to fight with them while writing this from my xiaomi redmi note4 pro. Yes it works better than zenfone 9. Who is with me to gather all issues in this tread and open issues one by one and create dozens of different topics? They are annoying us with not answering. Why don't we strike back ? They took our money and now not giving a proper service.

Who is with me ?

Not applicable

So, 10 topics per person if i did not miss any.

1. GPS: GPS taken 5-6 seconds every time to fetch my location and this is across all the apps. On google maps too, it takes time to detect location after I turn on GPS. Also, during using navigation when I am walking on foot, the direction of the arrow is incorrect. It is incorrect by 30 degrees or so. I hope Asus fixes this perfectly with a software update.

2. Voice after making a call: On incoming or outgoing normal call, for the 1st 2-3 seconds, the other person can't hear our voice at all. We have to wait 2-3 seconds and then speak 90-95% of times. This is the most annoying and critical bug.

3. Wi-Fi icon on status bar: When Wi-Fi is already on and you swipe down notification panel only once, the Wi-Fi icon is not filled with the color of the notification menu. If my notification color is blue then the icon should be in white with the circle colored in blue.

4. Notifications delay: How can a phone with snapdragon 8+ gen 1 and 8 gb of RAM cannot send notifications as soon as they come? For many apps, the notifications are delayed, viz WhatsApp, Instagram, SMSes and so more. Asus, please fix this or just remove notification option completely because what's the use of delayed notifications?

5. Camera: Turn on HDR and you are a tomato coloured different person altogether. Overprocessing in zenfone 9 camera is so aggressive and inconsistent that the app feels useless sometimes. Selfie camera is good though. @asus, you sell this phone with gimbal as the main feature and can't even make sure Camera is the best thing that this phone must have? Please fix it.

6. Reception issues: It cannot get proper reception and connection gets lost frequently. It is imposible to use phone iwht mobile network.

7. SOT: After WW/EU_33.0804.2060.189, screen on time is not available under the battery section.

8. The notifications on some apps are only received when I unlock the phone or put it on charge e.g. Gmail, Messenger

9. the notification delay issue. They are delivered only after unlocking phone, that too its unpredictable. This makes phone very unreliable. Its been more than a year, these small issues should have been solved by now.

10. When bt is connected to car multimedia, the phone immediately start calling to number 10000. This is happening in two different cars.