Star III
since ‎11-18-2019

User Statistics

  • 18 Posts
  • 1 Solutions
  • 0 Kudos given
  • 8 Kudos received

User Activity

There is any option that allows to not receive call on full screen? Like only in the upper part of the screen near notification bar, thanks.
Hello, is there any option that allows more than only 4 notification icons and this dot? We have plenty of space and we can't use it. Thanks.
I just notice that the moment when the camera take the photo and the flash is active are not in sinc (both main camera and wide-angle camera). Futhermore the flash seems very poor and more yellow than white (from my phone day 1 in November 2019). I'm...
Hi, I think I have the Screen Time and the Phone Idle blocked or I can't get the meaning of those indicators. Is this normal? Can it be fixed? Thanks.
Hi, I'm having this annoying bug where the green drop for scrolling between letters appear under the keyboard. It happens always both in Whatsapp and in Messages apps. I haven't yet try on others apps but I think the behavior is the same. The keybo...
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