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12:43 AM
em 09-23-2020 12:12 PM
ANDΞRSONIf it not popped up, then you can move the downloaded file into memory card and reboot your device into recovery mode and choose option "Apply update from external storage".https://zentalk.asus.com/en/discussion/comment/116812#Comment_116812
I already did that you said nothing, I think this version has a problem my version QKQ1.WW_Phone-17.2017.2006.429-20200614
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em 09-23-2020 12:16 PM
YachendraEu já baixei o mesmo arquivo 2x, só não testei por microsd.https://zentalk.asus.com/en/discussion/comment/116815#Comment_116815
If it not popped up, then you can move the downloaded file into memory card and reboot your device into recovery mode and choose option "Apply update from external storage".
If above step also not working then there will be issue with the downloaded file. So, re-download the file again without any interruption and try again.
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em 09-23-2020 12:17 PM
YachendraI've already downloaded the same file 2x, I just haven't tested it by microsd.https://zentalk.asus.com/en/discussion/comment/116815#Comment_116815
If it not popped up, then you can move the downloaded file into memory card and reboot your device into recovery mode and choose option "Apply update from external storage".
If above step also not working then there will be issue with the downloaded file. So, re-download the file again without any interruption and try again.
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