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Problem Gcam 🤳🏾

Star II
Please tell us some basic information before asking for help:
Model Name:ZB602KL
Firmware Version:424
Rooted or not:No
Frequency of Occurrence: Ever
APP Name & APP Version (If your issue relates to the app): Gcam and Hypercam , All versions
In addition to information above, please also provide as much details as you can, e.g., using scenario, what troubleshooting you've already done, screenshot, etc.
After trying to take some pictures with the gcam it does not save in HDR and HDR + mode, so I have to restart the device so that it returns to normal to be able to take pictures and so on after some pictures taken the same problem persists, so I have to restart the device again and I stay in this cycle ... I have tried previous versions of Gcam More Always the Msm Problem !!!

Star I

On Android 10, the version MGC_7.3.020_Parrot043-v2 is working stably.

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Front and back both? When I tried back is not working

Star I
This same problem is auccered from this side.i am tired to trying many type of gcam port.but any of them not working properly for max por m2 divice after android 10...☹️☹️☹️

Star II
G cam not support my asus zenfone max pro m1 how to solve the problem ?

Star II
I believe that it is not a problem with the gcam ports, but with some flaw in the device because I have already tested several developers and they all have the same problems no matter if it is version 7. ... or 6. ... etc ... In the end they all have exactly the same error in HDR and HDR + modes on the main lens. Anyway Asus developers know that they did not give importance to this, because in users we do not make any importance to you after we buy your products, more if at least see this topic try to do something ...

Rising Star I


Front and back both? When I tried back is not working

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Yes, both cameras work well in HDR +.