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Rog phone 5 ulti heating issue

Star II
Please tell us some basic information before asking for help:
Model Name:rog phone 5 ulti
Firmware Version:.151
Rooted or not:no root
Frequency of Occurrence: phone getting hot evenwhile doing menial daily tasks
APP Name & APP Version (If your issue relates to the app): spotifyrunning in the background, reddit browsing, messenger
In addition to information above, please also provide as much details as you can, e.g., using scenario, what troubleshooting you've already done, screenshot, etc.
I've had this phone for about 3 to 4 days now and my temps while doing regular daily tasks seem to heat up my phone and it's concerning given i basically paid a kidney for this thing.
My temps are as follows while doing ordinary daily light multitasking activities(spotify, reddit browsing, messaging etc.)
Cpu steady at 37c it reaches 42 to 45c when i play spotify in the background
Same with gpu temps
System temp is at 30 to 35c
Do i have a heating issue? Others have mentioned in rog community connect that i should return my unit.shoud i?
I really like this phone cause it fits and even exceeds my needs.
Thanks in advance
To add to this my temps are at 35c cpu and 33c batt at idle.
My settings are at 50%brightness
Dynamic mode
Auto refresh rate

Zen Master I
B 4 C 2 D 0

Please tell us some basic information before asking for help:

  1. Model Name:rog phone 5 ulti
  2. Firmware Version:.151
  3. Rooted or not:no root
  4. Frequency of Occurrence: phone getting hot evenwhile doing menial daily tasks
  5. APP Name & APP Version (If your issue relates to the app): spotifyrunning in the background, reddit browsing, messenger

In addition to information above, please also provide as much details as you can, e.g., using scenario, what troubleshooting you've already done, screenshot, etc.


I've had this phone for about 3 to 4 days now and my temps while doing regular daily tasks seem to heat up my phone and it's concerning given i basically paid a kidney for this thing.

My temps are as follows while doing ordinary daily light multitasking activities(spotify, reddit browsing, messaging etc.)

Cpu steady at 37c it reaches 42 to 45c when i play spotify in the background

Same with gpu temps

System temp is at 30 to 35c

Do i have a heating issue? Others have mentioned in rog community connect that i should return my unit.shoud i?

I really like this phone cause it fits and even exceeds my needs.

Thanks in advance



To add to this my temps are at 35c cpu and 33c batt at idle.

My settings are at 50%brightness

Dynamic mode

Auto refresh rate

Rog phone 5 ulti heating issue
The phone certainly does have heating issues. Even the standard Rog 5 does too. Put it this way, with my Huawei p40 pro plus, the maximum temperature I get is around 27 degrees but this is with multi tasking/very heavy usage. With normal usage kind YouTube it doesn't go above 22 degrees and idle temperature is maximum 20 degrees. On my Rog 5, it's a completely different story, very similar to yours infact. I've noticed that the higher refresh rate makes the temperature go crazy. Even when compared to when I had the Rog 3, the Rog 5 gets dangerously warm. From what I've read, if the phone goes above approximately 35 degrees, this is when the batter(ies) take a hit and affected long term. The heating issue is affecting ALL Rog 5 users, including the pro and ultimate variants

Hall of Fame I
B 4 C 2 D 0

Please tell us some basic information before asking for help:

  1. Model Name:rog phone 5 ulti
  2. Firmware Version:.151
  3. Rooted or not:no root
  4. Frequency of Occurrence: phone getting hot evenwhile doing menial daily tasks
  5. APP Name & APP Version (If your issue relates to the app): spotifyrunning in the background, reddit browsing, messenger

In addition to information above, please also provide as much details as you can, e.g., using scenario, what troubleshooting you've already done, screenshot, etc.


I've had this phone for about 3 to 4 days now and my temps while doing regular daily tasks seem to heat up my phone and it's concerning given i basically paid a kidney for this thing.

My temps are as follows while doing ordinary daily light multitasking activities(spotify, reddit browsing, messaging etc.)

Cpu steady at 37c it reaches 42 to 45c when i play spotify in the background

Same with gpu temps

System temp is at 30 to 35c

Do i have a heating issue? Others have mentioned in rog community connect that i should return my unit.shoud i?

I really like this phone cause it fits and even exceeds my needs.

Thanks in advance



To add to this my temps are at 35c cpu and 33c batt at idle.

My settings are at 50%brightness

Dynamic mode

Auto refresh rate

Rog phone 5 ulti heating issue
You don't, the temperature you see are very far within the limits of acceptable thermals. Infact CPU and GPU in smartphone SoC's can get up to around 100c without even getting damaged. When you play games your CPU and GPu expect to be around 90-100c, around 100 is when the phone starts throttling. The only temperature that could be concerning is the system temp, which is the general temperature of the phone, that temperature should not exceed 55c as it will accelerate the degradation of the battery. In a nutshell you shouldnt be worried, even if you throttle, this is perfecly demonstrated by other phones that easily hit 100c, throttle hard and never died despite being like that for years.

Star II
So within these temps i have no problems? If the system temp is going to be the concern i have recorded a temp of 42c to 47c playing codm with max settings (set by default upon opening the app) xmode off and played for about 30mins to 2hrs. Are these values within the normal range given the amount of time/usage? Thanks again for the replies.

Hall of Fame I
B 4 C 2 D 0

So within these temps i have no problems? If the system temp is going to be the concern i have recorded a temp of 42c to 47c playing codm with max settings (set by default upon opening the app) xmode off and played for about 30mins to 2hrs. Are these values within the normal range given the amount of time/usage? Thanks again for the replies.

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As I said, as long during gaming your system temp isnt 55 or higher you're good to go, up to 47c is still within safe limits unless you charge your battery, then 45c and above is not good.
Basicially system temp -> 55 or higher bad when not charging
system temp of 45 or higher -> bad when charging.

This is due to how li ion batteries operate in certain temperatures.