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Não rastreia o celular

Model: ZE520KL
Firmware/App Version: ww_15.0410.1807.75_0
Frequency of Occurrence:
Rooted: No
App Name:
Description: Problemas com apps de rastreamento

Last edited by juniorgatorade on 2019/7/27 12:01 Boa tarde, instalei 2 apps diferentes de rastreamento e ambos não funcionam, instalei o cerberus e o where's my droid, neles cadastrei 4 celulares, sendo que 3 deles são zenfones, o 3 de 5.2pol (androido 😎 o 3 de 5.5pol (andoid 😎 e o 4 selfie pro (andoid 7)... já o outro é de outra marca (android 6), constatei que o da outra marca rastreia normal, já os zenfones não, teria alguma configuração adicional a ser feita? todas as permissões foram cedidas e todos tem acesso a internet com mesma operadora... alguém me ajuda?

Zen Master I
Hi juniorgatorade, To avoid any possible misunderstanding, we would suggest you describe your inquiry in English. Thank you for your help. 🙂

Good afternoon, I installed 2 different tracking apps and both don't work, I installed cerberus and where's my droid, I registered 4 phones, 3 of them being zenfones, the 3 of 5.2pol (android 😎 the 3 of 5.5pol ( android 😎 and 4 selfie pro (android 7) ... the other one is from another brand (android 6), I found that the other brand tracks normal, but the zenfones no, would have any additional configuration to be done? all permissions have been granted and everyone has internet access with same carrier ... does anyone help me?